Efficiently meet your e-KYC Requirements

We perform e-KYC and Identity Verification backed by Identity Databases for dozens of ID types

Connect to more National Identity Databases easily

Using reliable APIs, machine learning-based fraud detection, de-biased face recognition and trusted relationships with governments of multiple countries, we have built one of the most efficient e-KYC infrastructure that meets your needs

Verify User Submitted ID Info

Check and match ID Numbers, Names, and DOBs against National ID databases

Support for Major ID Types

Faceproof supports major ID types in multiple countries in Europe and Africa's largest markets: National IDs, Voter IDs, Drivers Licenses, and more.

Biometric Verification

Perform an ID verification with just an ID number and a user submitted selfie

Use Cases

Banking and Lending

Perform multi-tiered KYC to match local central bank onboarding requirements.

Money Transfer and Remittance

Quickly and securely perform KYC to satisfy internal and external stakeholders with SDKs for easy integration into mobile apps.

Trading and Betting

Manage risk while expanding access with a variety of textual and biometric data sources to confirm KYC when opening accounts for new users.

Faceproof- our team

Integrate with your favorite technologies

Whether you’re onboarding users to an Android, iOS, or hybrid mobile app; or performing KYC from a server based or web application. We provide channels to get you up and running quickly!

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