Verify customers without the hassle

Fast and simple verification for your customers. Compliance made easy for you.

Strike your perfect balance of fraud prevention and speed

A simple UI makes verification a seamless process for your customers. Whether you’re after our core identity verification or additional checks for enhanced security, these can all be added to the same user flow.

Proof of address

Receive a customer’s verified address or further proof the customer is who they say they are

Third-party data checks

Verify the customer’s name, date of birth or address against records from a centralized database

AML watchlist screening

Check a customer’s information against a global database of sanctions and watch lists,

Use Cases


Set high industry standard and guarantee the secure access and exchange of end-consumer digital data while maintaining trust and transparency, and improving business processes.

Sport Games

Achieve regulatory compliance stop criminals from exploiting weaknesses in know your customer (KYC), identity, fraud, and anti-money laundering (AML) controls.

Trading and Betting

Detect financial fraud, manage potential fraud with purchases from international buyes and find out who is manipulating data

Faceproof- our team

Integrate with your favorite technologies

Whether you’re onboarding users to an Android, iOS, or hybrid mobile app; or performing KYC from a server based or web application. We provide channels to get you up and running quickly!

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