We empower people and
businesses to freely engage in the
digital world without fear

We believe a selfless world is one that caters for everyone

A selfless world. A world where people prioritise looking out for each other over looking after number one. Sounds a bit unrealistic but we choose to believe that something good happens when we look out for each other. This is what we believe in and why we created Faceproof.

We created Faceproof to look out for millions of people who use the internet daily but are unaware of the fraudsters that seek to take advantage. Our number one priority is to nip identity fraud in the bud before it happens. We do so by using innovative biometric technology to create products that protect people and businesses online.

We are building a company that puts people first.

At Faceproof our company value is to treat people (customers, employees and partners) with respect and preference.

In doing so, we exhibit several traits like being; cheerful, peaceable,
patient, kind, generous, trustworthy, gentle, and good tempered

We are looking smart and selfless people

We are looking for smart and selfless people to join our team. If you are smart and find it easy to treat people with respect and preference, then
please get in touch

Faceproof- our team

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